Health and Safety Goals
At Core Tech, we take our commitment to safety seriously. The health and safety of our employees, management and staff, subcontractors, and all others exposed to potential hazards at our work places are of the utmost priority.
To accomplish our goal of zero safety and health incidents, we foster a “safety first” philosophy and enforce a “zero tolerance of substance abuse” policy. Core Tech prioritizes and emphasizes the importance of education, training, and the practical application of the safest and best practices.

Safety Management Program
We are committed at all levels to providing a safe worksite free from all recognized hazards for all employees. As such, Core Tech’s executive management personnel directly outline policies, stimulate thinking, and show genuine concern and interest in making operations and the work environment the safest possible. It is therefore the corporate safety policy of Core Tech to:
Ensure that all employees, subcontractors and their employees, vendors and suppliers, and visitors are familiar with and adhere to the specific health and safety provisions of the company.
Ensure that all employees and subcontractors have the knowledge and training to accomplish their tasks safely.
Not expose employees to hazardous conditions.
Developing project-specific Accident Prevention Plans and task-specific Activity Hazard Analyses
Abide by all safety and health regulations as they pertain to the construction industry as set forth in federal, state and local standards. Particular attention will be paid to the regulations specified in OSHA 29 CFR Part 1926 and 1910, COE EM 385-1-1, and any local directives.
Maintain accurate records on accidents and make reports in the manner prescribed by OSHA Regulations.
Although the very nature of construction work creates numerous daily hazards, Core Tech reduces the potential for accidents by establishing a sound, specific, and comprehensive safety program that focuses employees’ attention on the presence of hazards in the work place and stresses management’s enforcement of the safety program. We remain steadfast in our belief that our greatest asset is our people and their safety is our greatest concern.